Thursday, February 14, 2013

Personal Series

Assignment 15: Personal Series. This week we were supposed to choose a style or theme that we wanted to explore in our own series. I decided on the theme of taking pictures of walls/fences. I explored with many different types of walls: wood, concrete, brick, etc. I also chose different angles and places to take the picture (ie. corner, straight forward, etc). I took the pictures close up so that the textures were easily seen and the details of the wall all came through in the photo. While editing, I made them all black and white so I could focus on the simple features of the wall without the distraction of color.


  1. Sabrina, I like the series topic you chose! I find it cool and interesting that you found all these walls with different textures and patterns. I like how all of your images are in black and white. I think you should keep that up because it makes it more dramatic to look at. Next week I think you should explore taking pictures of different walls and more fences. Good job!!

  2. I love all of your photos Sabrina! The close up of the walls and the different textures are so cool! The black and white really makes all of these photos come together as a cohesive set. The different textures in the same images really look cool against each other. This is a really cool idea to experiment with and I would suggest expanding to taking pictures of all different kinds of textures close up. Keep up the good work!

  3. Sabrina, I really like your photos. Its a really different style. i like how you made them in black and white. Good Job.

  4. Hey sabrina, i really like your last photo and how the stains leaked down. Your series topic idea is a good one. Maybe you could up the contrast next time? good work

  5. Sabrina,
    Great Set! I really like how your photos have a lot of texture from different walls. Also I think that the black and white effect is working well for that idea. Great Work!

  6. I really like your set. I like how the walls and fences make cool patterns and textures. I feel that the black and white makes the pictures better. Good job

  7. This is a great set, Sabrina! I especially like the photos that involve lines, I think it creates proportion in the photos which is very interesting. Good work, can't wait to see where you go with this!

  8. Sabrina
    Great job I really love your set. I like all the textures and patterns that were on the fences and walls. I also appreciate how you made it black and white i think that made it much better.

  9. Sabrina,
    i like this new project of yours. You have a lot of room to expand and even experiment. Good choice and nice job!

  10. Great job Sabrina! I like how all your photos are in black and white, making this set of photos flow well. My favorite is your fifth photo because I like the different lines on that wall. I also really just like all the unique textures in your photos. It seems as if some of your photos have a theme of your photos being abstract. Nice work!
