Thursday, December 6, 2012

Joan Fontcuberta 2

Assignment 10: Second draft of the Joan Fontcuberta series. This week's assignment was a follow up of the previous set. To help convey the humor in my photos, I focused on looking at things like irony, "faces" in the environment, etc. I also tried to have an undermining serious message. I urge onlookers to look a little deeper into the picture to try and identify the humor and message.


  1. This is an amazing set of photographs Sabrina! I like how some of your images are in color, while some of your images are in black and white. My favorite photo is the fourth one of the interesting looking flower. I also like the third photo of the trees and of the white sky background between the trees. Nice job! Keep up the great work!

  2. Sabrina, I love your set. I really like how random your photos are and how you are able to find these random things. My favorite is the orange flower! It looks so interesting and cool. The sign that said there are falling branches is funny too. I get so entertained looking at your set. Keep up the good work!!

  3. These are really cool! I like the first one and the last one and the second to last one the best. I like the colors in the first one especially.

  4. Awesome photos, Sabrina! I think you did a really good job with hiding meanings behind every photo, and I love how simplistically beautiful this set of photos is. Good job!

  5. Great Job Sabrina! I think your photos are very random and miscellaneous. It adds irony and humor to them. I think your photos are very straight forward and get a point across quickly without having to do so much stuff to set up an image, and rather finding it. Great work!

  6. nice photos sabrina! i see the humor in your photos. i really, really like your first photo. the way you edited your series works well because it makes you focus in on the humor and subject of the photo. in my opinion, you definitely achieved your goals.

  7. Good job this week Sabrina! I love all of your photos and the mix of ideas in the set. They really all come together. I think you did a really good job of finding irony and humor in every day things. It's really cool to be able to look closely at the images and find "faces" or something you wouldn't expect to see. Good job!

  8. good job! i can definitely see the humor in your pictures. the messages in your photos show irony and each photo has a clear message. great job!
